The Frog Blog is one of the many exciting aspects of the NEW Camp Daybreak website! The blog will not only contain news pertaining to the upcoming session but will highlight the wonderful work of our passionate volunteers, and stories from camp. We would love to hear from you about how Camp Daybreak has changed your life or the life of someone you know.
For me, I started as a volunteer at Camp Daybreak in 1997. I was in high school at Twinfield Union School in Central Vermont and had some sense of what professional direction I wanted to go in but had yet to make any concrete decisions. Having worked with children in special ed at Twinfield a classmate, one afternoon in Mr. Bottiggi’s Psychology class, mentioned that she volunteered at a camp for kids and that it was the most wonderful place. I attended Camp Daybreak for the first time that summer and I haven’t missed a summer since.
For me and for so many of the volunteers that have attended Camp Daybreak, the experience was transformative. I wrote my college essay about camp and its impact on the campers; I attended Skidmore College and earned a degree in elementary education; I taught high school for almost a decade through the HowardCenter; I met my wife at camp and our 5-year-old wants to volunteer someday. The incredible influence that Camp Daybreak had and continues to have on me permeates many of the most important moments in my life.
My Camp Daybreak story is the story of many who have volunteered. Our alumni are award winning nurses, doctors, educators, advocates, and mental health professionals many of whom credit their experience at Camp Daybreak as the moment they decided to enter their fields and help people. It truly is a wonderful community of warm and giving people passionate about changing lives.
Now, as we enter our 57th year of operation, Camp Daybreak is stronger than ever! We are now serving more campers with more volunteers than ever before! We continue to change the lives of Vermont kids while creating a dynamic workforce through our kind and energetic volunteers. Camp Daybreak is a very special place.
We invite you to join us on this incredible journey! Explore our new website, follow us on social media for news as well as our weekly trivia, refer a camper, or join us as a volunteer this summer.
What’s YOUR favorite place? Mine is Camp Daybreak!